Sports Business Program
Sports Business Program
Marketing for High School Sports Programs
What better way for your students to learn about the incredible world of sports business than by getting experience firsthand? SCC’s Sports Business Program is an online subscription-based program that helps schools develop an authentic sports business program that connects marketing education with high school athletics. Think of it as a program that parallels a student store operation, but as a real world sports business operative within the structure of high school athletics. SCC’s Sports Business Program introduces students to the very same basic business principles that provide the foundation for organizations in the sports industry all over the world.
Imagine your students working as real sports “executives” while helping generate additional revenue for your school and its sports programs without compromising the integrity of high school athletics or the education process as whole. Easy to implement and representative of successful sports business model organizations, the program offers flexibility to easily adapt to each school’s individual needs. The future of your students begins today!
Subscription resources
Your subscription to SCC’s Sports Business Program includes a hard copy of the Teacher’s Guide to Marketing Your High School Sports, Events & Entertainment, an easy to follow, step-by-step instructional book that walks teachers through the implementation phase of the program. The guide features seven training modules to create structure for your new sports business program.
Your SBP membership also includes supplemental resources to assist in the development of your program, including:
- Classroom activities: Individual activities that coincide with each training module
- From the Vault: Sports marketing promotions ideas
- Database of sample marketing material: Original marketing materials used by actual sports teams and organizations
- Sample forms and Templates: sales letters, proposals etc.
- Recommendations from Industry Experts: Advice on running your program from industry professionals
- Teacher “Tip Sheets” to reference as they guide you along the way
- Complimentary phone consultation with those participating in the program’s development (half hour)
“Our industry is now at a crossroads, with the very real need for high school students to learn business fundamentals prior to their matriculation into university sports and entertainment marketing programs and, ultimately, their careers. SCC’s Sports Business Program provides a unique, experiential learning opportunity for high schools and their business education and marketing students to do just that. As an added benefit, the program also offers a means for schools to generate much-needed revenue in the process; I can’t think of any other academic programs that offer such a direct return-on-investment. I’d encourage all high schools that are serious about their sports and entertainment programs to adopt the Sports Business Program…and start filling their stands right away!”

California Interscholastic
Federation Sports Properties
If you would like us to contact you with more information about our Sports Business Program, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you ASAP!
Sports Business Program
Transform your classroom into a live, functional sports and events marketing company!
Subscription Course Materials
A subscription to SBP includes the following course materials

eBook: The Sports Business Program: Teacher’s Guide to Marketing Your School Sports, Entertainment & Events (4th Edition)

The Game Plan:
Event Ideas for Your School