Subscription Order Form 2024-25 SCHOOL YEAR
Click here to download the 2024-25 Subscription Order Form. We accept checks, credit cards, and purchase orders.
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A subscription to SCC’s Business of Sports & Entertainment Education Resource Center offers CURRENT content and the best reflection of true industry practice. Your membership includes a digital textbook featuring updated and current industry examples, lots of visual aids and graphics, and engaging content. It is accessible via download from our website, Google Drive, or LMS integration. You also receive online access to weekly current events and “bonus” content throughout the year that will help you keep your classroom connected to all the biggest events on the sports and entertainment calendar.

Whether you teach Intro to Business, Marketing I, Marketing II, Entrepreneurship, Fashion Marketing, Hospitality, and Tourism, or any other business and marketing class, you will find projects, activities, and discussions engaging your students.
In addition to conversations around many of the world’s most talked-about brands, your membership to Marking Insights from SCC will help you connect your classroom to all the hot topics in the industry today!

In this course, students will learn the basics of the business of sports while exploring all the possible career opportunities in this exciting field, putting students in position to pursue their dream job. Upon successful completion of the course, students will unlock networking opportunities, an invitation to an exclusive event, a digital badge for online profiles recognizing the achievement, and a downloadable certificate.

Virtual Field Trip (RECORDED VERSION): Sneaker Design & Brand Marketing
On October 21st, take your students on a unique “all-access” field trip opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn about career opportunities in creative design and brand marketing. Your students will learn from accomplished creative design professionals with experience working with some of the biggest sports brands in the world, including Nike, Disney, Jordan Brand, and Roger Federer.Watch a recording of this virtual event to take your students on a unique “all-access” field trip opportunity to go behind the scenes and learn about career opportunities in creative design and brand marketing. Your students will learn from accomplished creative design professionals with experience working with some of the biggest sports brands in the world, including Nike, Disney, Jordan Brand, and Roger Federer.
The recording also includes access to a project that aligns with the event, and an invitation to participate in a student competition. The project due date is November 12th.

sports business program
What better way for your students to learn about the incredible world of sports business than by getting experience firsthand? The Sports Business Program is an online subscription based program that helps schools develop an authentic Sports Business Program that connects marketing education with high school athletics. Think of it as a program that parallels a student store operation, but as a real world sports business operative within the structure of high school athletics. SCC’s Sports Business Program introduces students to the very same basic business principles that provide the foundation for organizations in the sports industry all over the world.

combo package

competitive edge
(sports & entertainment current events program)
Looking for current events news to supplement your sports and

Marketing currents
(general marketing current events program)
Looking for current events news to supplement your marketing classes? Look no further than the “Marketing Currents” news service from SCC! You and your students will have access to TEN current events articles each and every week throughout the school year, five of which feature questions for class discusion in which they can answer right from the website. Utilizing this feature allows you to take the discussion one step further by assigning articles or offering extra credit opportunities. Sign up for Marketing Currents today!