Competitive Edge - Sports & Entertainment Marketing News

Dame Time Meant Overtime For The Milwaukee Bucks’ Business Operation

Like just about everyone else in Milwaukee, the denizens of the Milwaukee Bucks’ business offices were undeniably excited when news broke that the Bucks had acquired seven-time National Basketball Association All-Star Damian Lillard on a late September afternoon.

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Discussion Questions:

  1. What is a sports product?
  2. Is a sports team like the Milwaukee Bucks a product?
  3. If so, what factors might influence the quality of the product?
  4. What is leadership?
  5. Why is leadership important to the product?
  6. How can a sports franchise like the Milwaukee Bucks improve the product?
  7. Do you think the trade for Damian Lillard helped to improve the product? Why or why not?
  8. How did the trade impact the Bucks from a business perspective?
  9. Why are ticket sales important to a sports franchise?
  10. What are season tickets (full season plans)?
  11. Why are they critical to the financial success of a sports franchise?
  12. How did the addition of Lillard impact the Bucks’ from a ticket sales persepctive?
  13. How did it impact merchandise sales?
  14. Based on what you learned in this news story, what did the Bucks need to do from a management perspective to prepare for the impact Lillard would have on the business of the franchise?
  15. Why did the marketing team decide to hose a “welcome rally” for Dame?
  16. Why is social media important to the Milwaukee Bucks?
  17. How did the addition of Dame impact the team on social media?
Chris Lindauer
After working for nearly a decade in professional sports, Chris Lindauer, formed Sports Career Consulting to provide unique sports business education opportunities in and out of the classroom. In the eighteen years (and counting) that followed, Chris has inspired thousands of students to pursue their passions and explore the career of their dreams. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two teenage daughters and their dog.


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