Marketing Currents - Business and Marketing Current Events

Why Walmart launched a premium grocery label, with fancy branding to match

Walmart’s new private label brand, Bettergoods, doesn’t look like what you might expect a Walmart private-label brand to look like. And that’s entirely the point.

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Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the different types of brands?
  2. What is a private label brand?
  3. What is branding?
  4. Why do you think a brand name is an important aspect of branding?
  5. Walmart already has a private label brand. Based on information from this story, what is it called?
  6. Why would Walmart launch another one if it already has a private label brand?
  7. Why do you think Walmart named the new brand “Bettergoods?”
  8. What does packaging have to do with branding?
  9. According to this story, how might that have influenced Walmart’s design of its packaging for the new private label brand?
  10. What is positioning?
  11. How would you describe Walmart’s positioning strategy for both of their private label brands?
  12. Where is the price point for Bettergoods-branded products, according to this story?
  13. Why is pricing important?
  14. How do you think Walmart determined that price range for the new brand? Be prepared to discuss your answers in class.
Chris Lindauer
After working for nearly a decade in professional sports, Chris Lindauer, formed Sports Career Consulting to provide unique sports business education opportunities in and out of the classroom. In the eighteen years (and counting) that followed, Chris has inspired thousands of students to pursue their passions and explore the career of their dreams. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two teenage daughters and their dog.